Evolutionist don’t want to talk about “It.” The infamous “It” being the “you-know-what.” Of course, we are talking about “The Controversy.”
We don’t have any problem addressing or teaching “The Controversy.” Former (Thank Unohu) President George W. Bush and Former (Thank Unohu) Vice-President candidate Sarah Palin stated publicly that we should teach it in our public schools. They agree that we should teach “both sides” so the students can decides for themselves.
First off, now we know this might be a little controversial, but “The Controversy” doesn’t have just two sides. It has many sides. How many, you ask? Well, that’s hard to say exactly. It all depends on who you talk to and whether they are a creation scientist, evolutionist or a Intelligent Design proponent.
Don’t worry, you don’t have to pick sides at this point in “The Controversy.”
(Warning: Eventually, you will have to pick sides ~ so pick your side carefully or you are going to Hell. F.B.B)
That’s why you are visiting the museum (unless you snuck in, in which case you’re going to Hell no matter what) because you want to better understand “The Controversy.”
Some people (they know who they) would have you think it is an “either or, black and white, good vs. evil, day or night” issue. But it is not. “The Controversy” is much more complicated than that.
How complicated, you ask?
Very complicated. That’s why we opened a museum and started a web site.
How many sides does “The Controversy” have, you ask?
We don’t know exactly. Let’s just say a bunch.
How many are a bunch, you ask?
Stop asking questions, you are starting to get on our nerves. If you want to know the answers check out this stupid web site. You paid your money (unless, as we already mentioned, you snuck in in which case you’re going to Hell) so stop getting antsy and just read . You do know how to read, don’t you?(That is a really dumb question --- of course, if they can read the question --- they can read. If they can’t read the question then they obviously can’t read. I.M.P.)
For those readers that don’t know how to read we hope you will still visit the web site and have a friend read it to you. At the very least, we hope you enjoy the pretty pictures.
But we digress.
Where were we? Oh, yeah, “The Controversy.”
It seems like as long as we can remember there has been a conflict between Science and Religion.
We don’t have any problem addressing or teaching “The Controversy.” Former (Thank Unohu) President George W. Bush and Former (Thank Unohu) Vice-President candidate Sarah Palin stated publicly that we should teach it in our public schools. They agree that we should teach “both sides” so the students can decides for themselves.
First off, now we know this might be a little controversial, but “The Controversy” doesn’t have just two sides. It has many sides. How many, you ask? Well, that’s hard to say exactly. It all depends on who you talk to and whether they are a creation scientist, evolutionist or a Intelligent Design proponent.
Don’t worry, you don’t have to pick sides at this point in “The Controversy.”
(Warning: Eventually, you will have to pick sides ~ so pick your side carefully or you are going to Hell. F.B.B)
That’s why you are visiting the museum (unless you snuck in, in which case you’re going to Hell no matter what) because you want to better understand “The Controversy.”
Some people (they know who they) would have you think it is an “either or, black and white, good vs. evil, day or night” issue. But it is not. “The Controversy” is much more complicated than that.
How complicated, you ask?
Very complicated. That’s why we opened a museum and started a web site.
How many sides does “The Controversy” have, you ask?
We don’t know exactly. Let’s just say a bunch.
How many are a bunch, you ask?
Stop asking questions, you are starting to get on our nerves. If you want to know the answers check out this stupid web site. You paid your money (unless, as we already mentioned, you snuck in in which case you’re going to Hell) so stop getting antsy and just read . You do know how to read, don’t you?(That is a really dumb question --- of course, if they can read the question --- they can read. If they can’t read the question then they obviously can’t read. I.M.P.)
For those readers that don’t know how to read we hope you will still visit the web site and have a friend read it to you. At the very least, we hope you enjoy the pretty pictures.
But we digress.
Where were we? Oh, yeah, “The Controversy.”
It seems like as long as we can remember there has been a conflict between Science and Religion.
"Why?" you may ask oh brave and naive one.
Where do we start?
How about you just check out Part I.
Where do we start?
How about you just check out Part I.