One of the basic foundations of science or pseudo science for that matter is the importance of doing experiments to prove theories and hypothesis. That fact brings us to our first experiment with a simple question.
How did life begin? How is it possible to create something living from something that is not living?
Creationists will tell you Unohu was involved.
Those evolutionists types will tell you that all life evolved from a primordial ooze millions, and millions of years ago.
Intelligent Design proponents will tell you that they don’t have to tell you who, where or how it happened but it is very complex.
Complex indeed.
How did life begin?
Not an easy question to answer, as you can imagine. What to do?
As you know, thinking takes a lot of brain power and our stomachs were empty so Bucky and I went to our local supermarket and bought ourselves a couple of sandwiches. Returning home, we tried pondering these questions while eating our lunch. When suddenly, I looked down at Bucky’s half eaten smoked turkey and cheese sandwich and realized that perhaps it held the answer to the creation of life that we had been looking for. I cut off a portion of Bucky’s smoked turkey and cheese sandwich (over his objections until I pointed out that we might be unlocking the mystery of how life began. He finally agreed once I promised that I would buy him a new sandwich) and placed it in a clean Tupperware container (actually it wasn’t Tupperware at all but a cheap generic rip-off). I took the container, which now contained a portion of Bucky’s sandwich, and placed it on a table in the backyard patio area. Here it would get indirect sunlight and not be exposed to any extreme temperature changes. Did I mention that I hit the sandwich several times with a large hammer to make sure it was dead before placing it in the container?
After several days, we opened the container and what do you think we found?
How did life begin? How is it possible to create something living from something that is not living?
Creationists will tell you Unohu was involved.
Those evolutionists types will tell you that all life evolved from a primordial ooze millions, and millions of years ago.
Intelligent Design proponents will tell you that they don’t have to tell you who, where or how it happened but it is very complex.
Complex indeed.
How did life begin?
Not an easy question to answer, as you can imagine. What to do?
As you know, thinking takes a lot of brain power and our stomachs were empty so Bucky and I went to our local supermarket and bought ourselves a couple of sandwiches. Returning home, we tried pondering these questions while eating our lunch. When suddenly, I looked down at Bucky’s half eaten smoked turkey and cheese sandwich and realized that perhaps it held the answer to the creation of life that we had been looking for. I cut off a portion of Bucky’s smoked turkey and cheese sandwich (over his objections until I pointed out that we might be unlocking the mystery of how life began. He finally agreed once I promised that I would buy him a new sandwich) and placed it in a clean Tupperware container (actually it wasn’t Tupperware at all but a cheap generic rip-off). I took the container, which now contained a portion of Bucky’s sandwich, and placed it on a table in the backyard patio area. Here it would get indirect sunlight and not be exposed to any extreme temperature changes. Did I mention that I hit the sandwich several times with a large hammer to make sure it was dead before placing it in the container?
After several days, we opened the container and what do you think we found?

A gray and white moldy lump that had once been a perfectly good sandwich. It was hardly recognizable. What had been an inanimate and dead object, sealed in air tight conditions, suddenly was seething with life. It was growing.
Was this the work of Unohu, Evolution or The Intelligent Designer’s?
It hadn’t spouted legs so obviously Evolution wasn’t involved.
We must say we were not impressed by the design or color scheme so that ruled out Intelligent Design.
Obviously, Who or Whatever created Adam from dust was and is certainly capable and most likely responsible for creating life from an inanimate turkey sandwich. IN OTHER WORDS ---UNOHU!
You can try this at home and see what you can create from inanimate objects. Results may vary.
(Disclaimer: No Turkeys or cheeses were harmed in doing this experiment. They were already dead.)
(Check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life if you want to read about "life" from a scientific point of view. I.M.P.)
Was this the work of Unohu, Evolution or The Intelligent Designer’s?
It hadn’t spouted legs so obviously Evolution wasn’t involved.
We must say we were not impressed by the design or color scheme so that ruled out Intelligent Design.
Obviously, Who or Whatever created Adam from dust was and is certainly capable and most likely responsible for creating life from an inanimate turkey sandwich. IN OTHER WORDS ---UNOHU!
You can try this at home and see what you can create from inanimate objects. Results may vary.
(Disclaimer: No Turkeys or cheeses were harmed in doing this experiment. They were already dead.)
(Check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life if you want to read about "life" from a scientific point of view. I.M.P.)