Okay, let's be honest, we at the Pseudo Science Museum have a lot of problems with the whole Creation Museum thingy about Cain marrying his sister. If they are going to make stuff up, is that the best they could do? Let's look at alternative possibilities. It might be easier to imagine if we put in a familiar format...say something you might find on a magazine rack or at your beauty parlor...
The Story of Lilith

Acccording Jewish folklore Lilith was Adam's first wife, she was created at the same time as Adam but left him because she refused to be subservient to him. Somewhere along the line this got cut from the New Testament before the Christians claimed it for themselves.
Another alternative
Now, thanks to the research at the Pseudo Science Museum, researchers have come up with another choice when it comes to who may have been Cain's wife. What is disturbing is the fact that the Creation Museum had the answer right in front of them. WE will give you a hint. The picture to the right has been discribed as both Lilth and Eve. Who's right?
According to AIG web site:
"If we now work totally from Scripture, without any personal prejudices or other extrabiblical ideas, then back at the beginning, when there was only the first generation, brothers would have had to marry sisters or there wouldn’t have been any more generations!
We’re not told when Cain married or many of the details of other marriages and children, but we can say for certain that Cain’s wife was either his sister or a close relative. (You can't say for certain because you weren't there and the Bible doesn't say. I.M.P)
A closer look at the Hebrew word for “wife” in Genesis reveals something readers may miss in translation. It was more obvious to those speaking Hebrew that Cain’s wife was likely his sister. (There is a slim possibility that she was his niece, but either way, a brother and sister would have married in the beginning.) The Hebrew word for “wife” used in Genesis 4:17 (the first mention of Cain’s wife) is ishshah, and it means “woman/wife/female.”
And Cain knew his wife [ishshah], and she conceived and bore Enoch. And he built a city, and called the name of the city after the name of his son—Enoch (Genesis 4:17). The word ishshah is the word for “woman,” and it means “from man.” It is a derivation of the Hebrew words ‘iysh (pronounced: eesh) and enowsh, which both mean “man.” This can be seen in Genesis 2:23 where the name “woman” (ishshah) is given to one who came from Adam.
And Adam said: “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman [ishshah], because she was taken out of Man [iysh]” (Genesis 2:23). Thus, Cain’s wife is a descendant of Adam/man. Therefore, she had to be his sister (or possibly niece). Hebrew readers should be able to make this connection easier; however, much is lost when translated."
Talk about lost in translation

Wrong. So very wrong. According to our studies, Cain's wife was NOT a desendant of ADAM --- at least not how we would normally think. Nor was she Cain's sister or niece.
What the Creation Museum is missing or ignoring is the fact that the name for both Cain's wife and Eve is "Ishshah" They both have the same name because they are the same person. If you re-read the AIG web site the answer is clear. Cain was bonking his own mother. Or perhaps Eve seduced her own son. This is starting to play out like the movie The Graduate --- "Mrs. Ishshah, Mom, your trying to seduce me." Either way, talk about an Oedipus complex. At least Oedipus didn't know what he was doing but what was Cain's excuse? This is just as creepy as what the Creation Museum is trying to pass off as the truth. There must be another answer.
What the Creation Museum is missing or ignoring is the fact that the name for both Cain's wife and Eve is "Ishshah" They both have the same name because they are the same person. If you re-read the AIG web site the answer is clear. Cain was bonking his own mother. Or perhaps Eve seduced her own son. This is starting to play out like the movie The Graduate --- "Mrs. Ishshah, Mom, your trying to seduce me." Either way, talk about an Oedipus complex. At least Oedipus didn't know what he was doing but what was Cain's excuse? This is just as creepy as what the Creation Museum is trying to pass off as the truth. There must be another answer.

We cannot express you how important this painting is to the theory of Creationism. It clearly shows two couples in the Garden of Eden. Obviously one male and female are Adam and Eve ( even though Adam is blond and this contradicts the Creation Museum) the other couple, clearly females, are not so obvious. If you are confused about the guy in red and white robes, don't be, the bearded individual is meant to represent Unohu. You might ask why He is shown twice in the same picture? --- the answer is simple --- the artist is attempting to show that Unohu is omnipresent --- He is everywhere.
Since this is a very old painting, more than likely the artist was either there when this scene happened or had access to information that no longer exists (perhaps it was lost in the flood.) Whatever the reason, it shows that Unohu created another couple of individuals beside Adam and Eve and most likely one of them ended up being Cain's wife.
PLEASE NOTE: There are NO dinosaurs shown in the painting.
Since this is a very old painting, more than likely the artist was either there when this scene happened or had access to information that no longer exists (perhaps it was lost in the flood.) Whatever the reason, it shows that Unohu created another couple of individuals beside Adam and Eve and most likely one of them ended up being Cain's wife.
PLEASE NOTE: There are NO dinosaurs shown in the painting.