When touring the CREATION MUSEUM one finds themselves confronted by a question.
Whatssup with the black kid in Eden?
(Yeah, we know it is not PC to call him a “black” kid but hey, Eden was before there was an Africa or America. F.B.B.)
Whatssup with the black kid in Eden?
(Yeah, we know it is not PC to call him a “black” kid but hey, Eden was before there was an Africa or America. F.B.B.)

Clearly he or she is much darker in skin tone than Adam and Eve (see picture to right).
And don’t tell us Adam and Eve adopted.
Forget about the question of where did Cain’s wife come from.
Who was the father of the black kid and where did he come from?
And don’t tell us Adam and Eve adopted.
Forget about the question of where did Cain’s wife come from.
Who was the father of the black kid and where did he come from?